Card to Card Transfer – Function 035
Function 035 API call transfers the specified amount from one card to another card. If a fee is to be applied, the fee amount must be available on the source card for the transaction to be successful. This call helps avoid doing a withdrawal from one card then deposit to another. This call can also be utilized to load cards from a funding card.
Inputs | Description | Required | Data Type |
FunctionID | 035 | Y | |
P1 | PAN OR ALT ID From | Y | (16,19) numeric |
P2 | Amount | Y | numeric |
P3 | Currency Code (ISO4217- Alpha) | Y | (3) varchar |
P4 | PAN OR ALT ID To | Y | (16,19) numeric |
P5 | Terminal Owner | N | (1,30) varchar |
P6 | Terminal Location | N | (1,30) varchar |
P7 | Terminal City | N | (1,13) varchar |
P8 | Terminal State | N | (2) varchar |
P9 | Terminal ID | N | (20) numeric, Right justified zero padded |
P10 | Country | N | (2,2) varchar |
P11 | Description | N | (1,30) varchar |
P12 | Settlement Currency Code (ISO4217- Alpha) | N | (3) varchar |
directFee | Populate this fee and AE will apply it as an adjustment. Do not use currency conversion with this fee – one-time fee applicable to this transaction | N | (0,6) numeric |
Outputs | Description | ||
XML | The data will be passed back in a well- formed XML document. The error code processing will be contained in the P1 node that contains two attributes err number and err description. Therefore, if the err number attribute is equal to “000” the document will contain a “TransferInfo” node; otherwise, it will not. |
Example: Card-to-Card Transfer Request
swor dassignedtome&FUNC=035&MSGID=00001089267447827&P1= PAN or ALT ID
swor dassignedtome&FUNC=035&MSGID=00001089267447827&P1= PAN or ALT ID
Example: Card-to-Card Transfer Response
<?xml version=”1.0″ ?>
<api func=”035″>
<p1 errnumber=”0000″ errdescription=”” />