Introduction to APIs

API General Message Layout and Requirements

API Message Format

About the Response to the User

About Response Time

Back Office Web Access

Currency Amounts and Conversion Instructions

PIN Encryption

Alternatives to Using Card Number in the CardAPI

API User Credentials

CardHolder API’s

Change Card Status – Function 004

Change Card PIN – Function 005

Deposit to Card Number – Function 007

Message Response Lookup – Function 008

View Statement Details by Card Number – Function 010

Validate PIN – Function 012

Set Card PIN – Function 022

Get Card Status – Function 023

Get Card Account Balance – Function 024

Cardholder Fees – Function 030

Adjustment – Function 031

Card Linking – Function 032

Card Inquiry – Function 033

Cash Out – Function 034

Card to Card Transfer – Function 035

Update Cardholder – Function 036

PIN Reset – Function 037

PIN Request – Function PINRequest

View Statement Details by Account Number – Function 039

Unlock Bad PIN Tries – Function 040

Set Condition Check for Existing Cardholder – Function SetCondCheck

Manage MCC Blocks – Function MCCBlock

Set Cardholder Level Limit – Function CardLimit

Get Configurable Card Limits – Function GetCardLimits

OFAC Check – Function 056

View Statement Details by Card Number (V2) – Function 070

3DS Enrolment Control – Function THREEDS

3DS Whitelist Management – Function Manage3DSWhitelist

Card Risk Level API Calls

Update Card Risk Level – Function = UpdateRiskLevel

Get Card Risk Level – Function = GetRiskLevel

Instant Card Issue – Function = InstantCardIssue

Specialized Financial Transactions

Validate Cardholder Verification Data – Function ValidateCVV2

Get Dynamic CVV (CVV3) – Function GetCVV3

General Web APIs

Change Password – ChangePswd

Message Heart Beat – Function 025

Wallet API Functions

Create Wallet for Existing Cardholder – Function CreateCardholderWallet

Create Wallet Multi-Currency Card Purse – Function CreateCardPurse

Retrieve Card Purse Identification from Wallet – Function GetCardPurses

Multi-currency Card Purse to Purse Transfer – Function PurseFundsTransfer

Processing Codes


Transaction Processing Codes

Response Codes

Card/Account Type Definitions

API Error Codes



The user submits information to the AE CardAPI in a name/value pair format via GET/POST methods using HTTPS. The POST method should be used when there may be input data containing reserved characters. The CardAPI employs the standard “GET” method for passing data to the system, thus URL encoding is required. AE CardAPI also uses XML to respond to certain requests. Some of the API calls can return multiple rows of data; therefore, they can be better displayed using XML. The AE CardAPI receives messages as if they came from a Web browser. The interface between the User and the AE CardAPI is the standard HTTPS/1.0 HTTPS/1.1 using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption.

For each session (request), this interface will accept, process, and return a response before another request is accepted

Prod requests are sent to:
UAT requests are sent to:

Wallet API (multicurrency) calls use the same URLs but use port 9000 instead of 8443.
IP Filtering: AE CardAPI services are accessible only to a permitted range of source IP addresses that need to be agreed beforehand with Digital Payments Group.