View Statement Details by Card Number (V2) – Function 070
Function 070, View Statement Details by a PAN or ALT ID, gives you a summary or history of transactions over a given period. All transactions that occurred to that card number between the start and the end dates are returned. The results are returned using XML for this API call.
The biggest difference between function 070 and 010 is the effect of the currency format display. Function 010 defaults to two decimal places on the implied decimal value when returning. Function 070 takes the currency into account and displays the appropriate value for implied decimal conversions. Currencies with 3 decimal places and 0 decimal places will now return correctly formatted in regard to the cardholders currency.
By default, function 070 will suppress authorization transactions when there is a matching settlement.
Inputs | Description | Required | Data Type |
FunctionID | 070 | Y | |
P1 | PAN OR ALT ID | Y | (16,19) numeric |
P2 | Start Date | Y | date (i.e., 01/01/2001) |
P3 | End Date | Y | date (i.e., 01/01/2001) |
P4 | GMT | N | alpha (Z, T, Y) |
P5 | First Row | N | numeric (starting index of result set) |
P6 | Last Row | N | numeric (ending index of result set) |
ViewAll=Y | Returns all transactions | N | |
ViewAll=N | Returns only settled transactions | N | |
Outputs | Description | ||
XML | The data will be passed back in a well-formed XML document. The error code processing will be contained in the P1 node that contains two attributes errnumber and errdescription. Therefore, if the errnumber attribute is equal to “000” the document will contain a “cardholderstatementdetails” node; otherwise, it will not. |
Element Name | Description |
Date | Date/time of the transaction. |
CardNumber | Card number associated with the transaction. |
TransactionType | Transaction type code. |
MTI | Message type identifier. |
STN | System Trace Audit Number. |
TermID | Unique identifier of the of a card acceptor terminal. |
AuthNum | Authorization identification number. |
RecType | Record Type. Private use field which varies by network. |
TransactionOrigin | Identifies if this transaction comes from an ATM (‘A’) or POS (‘P’) |
Description | A short description of what kind of transaction this is. |
Amount | Implied decimal amount of the transaction. |
fee | Implied decimal amount of any fee charged for this transaction. |
atmfee | Fee applied to the cardholder by the ATM in an implied decimal amount. |
availablebalance | Available balance on the card after the transaction was processed. |
ledgerbalance | Ledger balance on the card after the transaction was processed. |
clientid | Client ID. |
termnamelocation | Location of the terminal. |
termowner | Owner of the terminal. |
termcity | City of the terminal. |
termstate | State of the terminal. |
termcountry | Country of the terminal. |
mcc | Merchant category code of the transaction. |
surcharge | Surcharge applied in the cardholder billing currency in an implied decimal amount. |
rspcode | Response code. See section 10.2 for a detailed list of response codes. |
processor | Identifies which system processed the transaction. |
issuerfee | Issuer fee. |
origtransamt | Local currency amount. |
convrrate | Currency conversion rate used if this transaction required a currency conversion. |
termcurrency | Terminal currency. |
currency | Cardholder currency. |
origholdamt | Original holding amount. |
acqinst | Acquiring Institution Identification Code. |
cardacceptoridcode | Identifying code of the card acceptor. |
ancillaryfee | Contains the ancillary fee code and fee amount of non-ticket releated service charges applicable in the passenger transport industry. |
cbconrateinf | Contains the ECB Foreign Exchange reference rates and the percentage difference in comparison to the MasterCard foreign exchange rate. |
termzip | Identifying the postal code of the terminal. |
termurl | Identifying the website of the terminal. |
termphonetaxidpartnerid | Identifying additional information of the terminal. NOTE: When an element is not present the column will have a gap, such as: data1||data3|data4|data5 |
servicelocation | Identifying service location of the terminal. NOTE: When an element is not present the column will have a gap, such as: data1|data2||data3|data4 |
geocoordinates | Acceptor Geographic Coordinates | Service Location Geographic Coordinates NOTE: The | symbol separates the 2 values. The element may be null if neither is present. In addition, data may only be present for one DE. For example, ‘43.26226,76.94125|’ will occur if the 2nd element is absent. |
dassignedtome&FUNC=070&MSGID=00001646767884116&P1= PAN OR
errdescription=”” />
startdate=”01/01/2008″ enddate=”06/06/2008″
reportdate=”2005/10/08 10:27 AM”>
<TermID />
<description>Deposit funds</description>
<termowner />
<termcity />
<termstate />
<termcountry />
tor idcode>**
<TermID />
< RecType>7801</RecType>
<description>Deposit funds</description>
<termowner />
<termcity />
<termstate />
<termcountry />
ptor idcode>
1. The first two numeric’s in the transaction type identify the transaction (see below)
2. The ‘transaction origin’ identifies if the transaction is a “P”OS transaction, or “A”TM transaction Ifthe transaction type starts with a 15 it is a debit, if it starts with a 27 it is a credit.