1. All required parameters are set in my request, why am I still getting an error?
a) Need to double check the CUSR and CPWD parameters. Make sure that your ID and passwords match to the ones assigned to you.
2. API calls that involve PIN seem to work when I send Pins in clear text. Why would it fail when I send PIN encrypted?
a) Double check if you have submitted the correct Key to Digital Payments. If key is correct, Digital Payments needs to check if the key is configured correctly at their end.
3. I am getting a 4-digit error from Digital Payments. What do I do?
a) In most situations, the errors are self-explanatory but if you encounter an error that you don’t understand, contact your Digital Payments representative. If you encounter an error that is not listed in our list of error codes in this API, report that to your rep as well.
4. I just added funds to my card, how do I check if it was successful?
a) Run a Balance Inquiry to see if your transaction was successful.
5. Do I always have to include CID, CUSR and CPWD for each request?
a) Yes, you will need to set these parameters for each request. If you don’t have your account set up yet, contact your Digital Payments representative.
6. I am getting missing required Parameters, what do I do?
a) Carefully examine that you are passing all required parameters. Look at sample request messages. Still having issues, send your request message and response to your Digital Payments representative
URL – Encoding
URL encoding is a simple method of encoding which converts spaces and other characters, which may confuse the program reading the form data. Since ‘=’ and ‘&’ are used for special purposes in the form data, the program wouldn’t know the difference between the user’s ‘&’ [or ‘=’] and the special ‘&’ [or ‘=’]. Therefore, all ‘&’s, ‘=’s, spaces and some other characters are converted by URL-Encoding, however the majority of characters are left alone.
Spaces are converted to “+”; most alphabetical and numerical characters are left alone. Other characters are converted to their ASCII value preceded by a ‘%’ character.
For instance, since is converted to ‘+’, a ‘+’ in the user’s input would be converted to ‘%2B’, since 2B is the hexadecimal equivalent decimal 43, the ASCII value of the character ‘+’.
Sample String | 2 | Space | + | Space | 2 | Space | = | 4 |
After URL Encoding | 2 | + | %2B | + | 2 | + | %3D | 4 |
The URL decoding process is relatively straightforward, but it is usually more useful to use a pre-written library to do the conversion and decoding