Introduction to APIs

API General Message Layout and Requirements

API Message Format

About the Response to the User

About Response Time

Back Office Web Access

Currency Amounts and Conversion Instructions

PIN Encryption

Alternatives to Using Card Number in the CardAPI

API User Credentials

CardHolder API’s

Change Card Status – Function 004

Change Card PIN – Function 005

Deposit to Card Number – Function 007

Message Response Lookup – Function 008

View Statement Details by Card Number – Function 010

Validate PIN – Function 012

Set Card PIN – Function 022

Get Card Status – Function 023

Get Card Account Balance – Function 024

Cardholder Fees – Function 030

Adjustment – Function 031

Card Linking – Function 032

Card Inquiry – Function 033

Cash Out – Function 034

Card to Card Transfer – Function 035

Update Cardholder – Function 036

PIN Reset – Function 037

PIN Request – Function PINRequest

View Statement Details by Account Number – Function 039

Unlock Bad PIN Tries – Function 040

Set Condition Check for Existing Cardholder – Function SetCondCheck

Manage MCC Blocks – Function MCCBlock

Set Cardholder Level Limit – Function CardLimit

Get Configurable Card Limits – Function GetCardLimits

OFAC Check – Function 056

View Statement Details by Card Number (V2) – Function 070

3DS Enrolment Control – Function THREEDS

3DS Whitelist Management – Function Manage3DSWhitelist

Card Risk Level API Calls

Update Card Risk Level – Function = UpdateRiskLevel

Get Card Risk Level – Function = GetRiskLevel

Instant Card Issue – Function = InstantCardIssue

Specialized Financial Transactions

Validate Cardholder Verification Data – Function ValidateCVV2

Get Dynamic CVV (CVV3) – Function GetCVV3

General Web APIs

Change Password – ChangePswd

Message Heart Beat – Function 025

Wallet API Functions

Create Wallet for Existing Cardholder – Function CreateCardholderWallet

Create Wallet Multi-Currency Card Purse – Function CreateCardPurse

Retrieve Card Purse Identification from Wallet – Function GetCardPurses

Multi-currency Card Purse to Purse Transfer – Function PurseFundsTransfer

Processing Codes


Transaction Processing Codes

Response Codes

Card/Account Type Definitions

API Error Codes


API Error Codes

Error Number CardAPI to AuthENGINAPI – Error Description User Hints
5000 Invalid message type
5001 Missing card number and control number
5001 Missing card and control number (Alternate text)
5003 Invalid card prefix
5004 Error processing request message
5005 Card not yet activated
5006 Card status cannot be changed
5007 Message not in recognizable format
5008 Invalid /Missing cardholder id or duplicate Cardholder ID
5009 BIN #s do not match
5010 FIID’s do not match
5011 Cannot link card, limit exceeded
5012 FIID’s do not match
5013 Amount less than minimum limit
5014 Amount exceeds maximum limit
5016 Error constructing direct deposit number
5018 Exceeded daily maximum deposit credits
5019 Exceeded daily maximum deposit amount
5020 Account #’s (PAN) are identical
5048 PIN Change Required
5049 * Account Not Open
5057 * Lost Card
5058 * Declined Card Status
5059 * Restricted Card
5063 * Insufficient Funds/Exceeds Daily Limit
5075 * Invalid Account Number/ Invalid PAN length
5075 + Card not yet assigned to a card holder
5075 + Card not yet assigned (Alternate text)
5076 Non Sufficient Funds
5100 Card record not found
5102 No cards available
5284 Error, card already assigned
5300 Missing PIN
5301 Error validating PIN
5302 Error changing PIN
5306 PIN tries exceeded
5307 Error generating PIN
5303 Invalid PIN initialize request
5304 Invalid PIN
5375 Card not yet assigned to cardholder/Not yet assigned
5475 + Card not yet assigned to a card holder
5811 Second card is a primary
5813 Primary card is secondary
5815 Link already set
5817 Second card already linked
5830 Card not a secondary
5832 Cannot reverse link
5999 Unknown error
7010 Cannot cash out linked card (must be primary)
9000 Invalid request URL
9001 Missing or invalid request parameters, check P1 and standard parameters Standard parameters like CID, CPWD, and CUSR
9002 Requested Action not supported(P2)
9003 Processing Error (Reason Code xxx) Note that xxx will be replaced with a Digital Payments tracking number.
9004 Login Failed: Invalid Username/Password combination
9005 Unable to process, configuration in error for CardApiUrl (xxx) Note that xxx will be replaced with a Digital Payments tracking number
9006 Requested Card Status not valid on P3
9007 Internal API connection not active
9008 Missing or invalid required parameter (Px) Note that x will be replaced by the parameter in error
9009 Loyalty purse issue failed
9010 Default purse issue failed
9011 purse issue failed (xxx) Note that xxx will be replaced with a Digital Payments tracking number. User should check cardnumber or CID are valid.
9012 invalid currency code parameter
9013 Unable to process, GetCardStatus failed (xxx) Note that xxx will be replaced with a Digital Payments tracking number
9014 Card purse for currency already exists
9015 Wallet Card has a final status of x Cannot open a new purse on it Note that x will be replaced by a card status value like 9 which is closed
9016 Update failed (xxx) Note that xxx will be replaced with a Digital Payments tracking number
9017 changeCardStatus failed (xxx) Note that xxx will be replaced with a Digital Payments tracking number

* Code is combination of API Error Code and Response Code. The API may return a response code proceeded by 5nnn for example:

049 ’5049 – Account not Open

The codes identified here are some of the more common examples.

+ This code combination is currently under review and subject to change because of a possible conflict.

Unless otherwise specified assume, “Card not yet assigned to a card holder.” The proposed replacement will be 5475.

Number CardAPI – Messages
000 Success
001 Unspecified Error
002 Login Error
003 Message ID record not found for
004 Message ID already filed.
005 Invalid Message ID Format
006 Function number is not supported.
007 Invalid Client Number
006 Function number is not supported.
007 Invalid Client Number
008 Missing required parameters ()
009 (Reserved for future use)
010 (Reserved for future use)
011 Invalid Card Number
012 Invalid Account Number/SSN.
013 Invalid Amount.
014 Invalid Transaction Type.
015 Invalid Old Pin.
016 Invalid New Pin.
017 Invalid Start Date.
018 Invalid End Date.
019 The start date is earlier then the end date.
020 Time date out of range.
021 Invalid currency code for current BIN number
022 Host Down
050 OFAC Match Found
051 Credit Card Pre-Auth failure or declined.
052 API Address Validation Failed.
053 Credit Card is already associated with another gkard.
054 No credit card provided and no default card is associated!
056 Load amount is less than transfer amount.
057 No Credit Card Provided For Instant Issue!
058 Limit reached for Credit Cards association for InstantIssue!
059 No credit card provided and card association is turned OFF!
062 Load amount is less than transfer amount
063 Could not find a response for Message ID.
071 Exceeded aggregate credit card load count limit. Actual load count would be
greater than load ceiling count for any card.
072 Exceeded aggregate credit card load amount limit. Actual load amount would
be greater than load ceiling amount for any card.
073 Exceeded aggregate credit card load amount limit. Actual load amount would
be greater than load ceiling amount for any card.
074 Exceeded credit card load amount limit. Actual load amount would be greater
than load ceiling amount.
075 SSN Validation failed.
076 DOB Validation failed.
077 Invalid credential combination. WalletID found, need a matching AuthENGINAPI.
078 reserved
079 reserved
080 i24Wallet provisioning failed.
081 Missing minimum required credentials.
082 Reserved
083 Invalid credential combination
084 WalletID invalid
085 Wallet password invalid.
086 Email address associated to another WalletID.
087 Wallet provisioning failed. Possible duplicate user.
088 Wallet provisioning failed. Invalid reference.
089 Email address associated to another WalletID.
090 Inadequate permissions to execute this function.
091 Unsupported function specified
092 IssueCredit: Invalid Transid
093 IssueCredit: Failure unloading card
094 IssueCredit: Connectivity failure to i24Gateway.
096 AutoLoad disabled by cardholder.
201 Error adding data – First name cannot contain spaces and must begin with a
capital letter Error adding data – Middle name cannot contain spaces and must
begin with a capital letter
Error adding data – Last name cannot contain spaces and must begin with a
capital letter