Error Number | CardAPI to AuthENGINAPI – Error Description | User Hints |
5000 | Invalid message type | |
5001 | Missing card number and control number | |
5001 | Missing card and control number (Alternate text) | |
5003 | Invalid card prefix | |
5004 | Error processing request message | |
5005 | Card not yet activated | |
5006 | Card status cannot be changed | |
5007 | Message not in recognizable format | |
5008 | Invalid /Missing cardholder id or duplicate Cardholder ID | |
5009 | BIN #s do not match | |
5010 | FIID’s do not match | |
5011 | Cannot link card, limit exceeded | |
5012 | FIID’s do not match | |
5013 | Amount less than minimum limit | |
5014 | Amount exceeds maximum limit | |
5016 | Error constructing direct deposit number | |
5018 | Exceeded daily maximum deposit credits | |
5019 | Exceeded daily maximum deposit amount | |
5020 | Account #’s (PAN) are identical | |
5048 | PIN Change Required | |
5049 * | Account Not Open | |
5057 * | Lost Card | |
5058 * | Declined Card Status | |
5059 * | Restricted Card | |
5063 * | Insufficient Funds/Exceeds Daily Limit | |
5075 * | Invalid Account Number/ Invalid PAN length | |
5075 + | Card not yet assigned to a card holder | |
5075 + | Card not yet assigned (Alternate text) | |
5076 | Non Sufficient Funds | |
5100 | Card record not found | |
5102 | No cards available | |
5284 | Error, card already assigned | |
5300 | Missing PIN | |
5301 | Error validating PIN | |
5302 | Error changing PIN | |
5306 | PIN tries exceeded | |
5307 | Error generating PIN | |
5303 | Invalid PIN initialize request | |
5304 | Invalid PIN | |
5375 | Card not yet assigned to cardholder/Not yet assigned | |
5475 + | Card not yet assigned to a card holder | |
5811 | Second card is a primary | |
5813 | Primary card is secondary | |
5815 | Link already set | |
5817 | Second card already linked | |
5821 | SYNC BALANCES (A1) | |
5822 | SYNC BALANCES (L1) | |
5823 | SYNC BALANCES (A2) | |
5824 | SYNC BALANCES (L2) | |
5830 | Card not a secondary | |
5832 | Cannot reverse link | |
5999 | Unknown error | |
7010 | Cannot cash out linked card (must be primary) | |
9000 | Invalid request URL | |
9001 | Missing or invalid request parameters, check P1 and standard parameters | Standard parameters like CID, CPWD, and CUSR |
9002 | Requested Action not supported(P2) | |
9003 | Processing Error (Reason Code xxx) | Note that xxx will be replaced with a Digital Payments tracking number. |
9004 | Login Failed: Invalid Username/Password combination | |
9005 | Unable to process, configuration in error for CardApiUrl (xxx) | Note that xxx will be replaced with a Digital Payments tracking number |
9006 | Requested Card Status not valid on P3 | |
9007 | Internal API connection not active | |
9008 | Missing or invalid required parameter (Px) | Note that x will be replaced by the parameter in error |
9009 | Loyalty purse issue failed | |
9010 | Default purse issue failed | |
9011 | purse issue failed (xxx) | Note that xxx will be replaced with a Digital Payments tracking number. User should check cardnumber or CID are valid. |
9012 | invalid currency code parameter | |
9013 | Unable to process, GetCardStatus failed (xxx) | Note that xxx will be replaced with a Digital Payments tracking number |
9014 | Card purse for currency already exists | |
9015 | Wallet Card has a final status of x Cannot open a new purse on it | Note that x will be replaced by a card status value like 9 which is closed |
9016 | Update failed (xxx) | Note that xxx will be replaced with a Digital Payments tracking number |
9017 | changeCardStatus failed (xxx) | Note that xxx will be replaced with a Digital Payments tracking number |
* Code is combination of API Error Code and Response Code. The API may return a response code proceeded by 5nnn for example:
049 5049 – Account not Open
The codes identified here are some of the more common examples.
+ This code combination is currently under review and subject to change because of a possible conflict.
Unless otherwise specified assume, “Card not yet assigned to a card holder.” The proposed replacement will be 5475.
Number | CardAPI – Messages |
000 | Success |
001 | Unspecified Error |
002 | Login Error |
003 | Message ID record not found for |
004 | Message ID already filed. |
005 | Invalid Message ID Format |
006 | Function number is not supported. |
007 | Invalid Client Number |
006 | Function number is not supported. |
007 | Invalid Client Number |
008 | Missing required parameters () |
009 | (Reserved for future use) |
010 | (Reserved for future use) |
011 | Invalid Card Number |
012 | Invalid Account Number/SSN. |
013 | Invalid Amount. |
014 | Invalid Transaction Type. |
015 | Invalid Old Pin. |
016 | Invalid New Pin. |
017 | Invalid Start Date. |
018 | Invalid End Date. |
019 | The start date is earlier then the end date. |
020 | Time date out of range. |
021 | Invalid currency code for current BIN number |
022 | Host Down |
050 | OFAC Match Found |
051 | Credit Card Pre-Auth failure or declined. |
052 | API Address Validation Failed. |
053 | Credit Card is already associated with another gkard. |
054 | No credit card provided and no default card is associated! |
056 | Load amount is less than transfer amount. |
057 | No Credit Card Provided For Instant Issue! |
058 | Limit reached for Credit Cards association for InstantIssue! |
059 | No credit card provided and card association is turned OFF! |
062 | Load amount is less than transfer amount |
063 | Could not find a response for Message ID. |
071 | Exceeded aggregate credit card load count limit. Actual load count would be greater than load ceiling count for any card. |
072 | Exceeded aggregate credit card load amount limit. Actual load amount would be greater than load ceiling amount for any card. |
073 | Exceeded aggregate credit card load amount limit. Actual load amount would be greater than load ceiling amount for any card. |
074 | Exceeded credit card load amount limit. Actual load amount would be greater than load ceiling amount. |
075 | SSN Validation failed. |
076 | DOB Validation failed. |
077 | Invalid credential combination. WalletID found, need a matching AuthENGINAPI. |
078 | reserved |
079 | reserved |
080 | i24Wallet provisioning failed. |
081 | Missing minimum required credentials. |
082 | Reserved |
083 | Invalid credential combination |
084 | WalletID invalid |
085 | Wallet password invalid. |
086 | Email address associated to another WalletID. |
087 | Wallet provisioning failed. Possible duplicate user. |
088 | Wallet provisioning failed. Invalid reference. |
089 | Email address associated to another WalletID. |
090 | Inadequate permissions to execute this function. |
091 | Unsupported function specified |
092 | IssueCredit: Invalid Transid |
093 | IssueCredit: Failure unloading card |
094 | IssueCredit: Connectivity failure to i24Gateway. |
095 | |
096 | AutoLoad disabled by cardholder. |
201 | Error adding data – First name cannot contain spaces and must begin with a capital letter Error adding data – Middle name cannot contain spaces and must begin with a capital letter Error adding data – Last name cannot contain spaces and must begin with a capital letter |